Thanks to Susanne (aka Kwebbel (from Germany) I received this Award for "Brilliant Wegblog". I'm very pleased with it, thank you very much. Kwebbel received the Award from Italy and translated the rules for the Award in German and English....this way I can translate it again in Dutch ;)
Who gets the "Brillante Webblog Award"? (wie krijgt de Briljante Weblog-award??)
Websites and blogs, which by its currency, the issues of choice and for their designs are especially noteworthy. (Websites en Blogs die door de actualiteit, thema's en design opvallen)
Here are the Award Rules (regels voor de Award):
1. The winner can take the logo (de winnaar mag het logo plaatsen)
2. Place a link to the person that send you the award(plaats een link naar degene die je de Award gegeven had)
3. Give the Award to at least 7 other Scrapbooking-Blogs, which by its currency, the issues of choice and for their designs are especially noteworthy (stuur de award naar minstens 7 andere scrapbookblogs die door de actualiteit, thema's en design opvallen)
4. Put a link to these sites on your Blog. (zet een link naar deze sites op je blog)
5. Write a comment on their Blogs that they've won an Award (laat een berichtje achter op hun blog dat ze een Award gewonnen hebben)
I'd like to give the Award to these wonderful ladies from "het scrapbookforum". I really admire your scrapbook-work and like to visit your blogs: